
Friday, May 7, 2010

Summer School Week 3 -- May 3-7

Well not as much got done this week as I'd hoped because it's time for our annual "Dear landlord, the A/C isn't working again" issues.  It's been a long week of trying to get this company to understand that my landlord lives in Nevada and wouldn't you know it is a pilot for the US Navy and can't drop everything to wait around for their calls when they finally decide to let him know what's wrong.  We've done as much as we can and had a few placement tests taken as well.  With Everett's birthday coming up we also went shopping for new bikes because he asked for one so he can finally learn to ride a two wheeler.  We got them Monday and within 2 minutes he was up and running.  I'm so proud of him and he's just giddy with himself.  So the kids have spent a bunch of time riding bikes this week.
Here's what school work we did get done.
Grammar: Growing with Grammar 5: He completed lessons 3.16-3.18, he's done really will with all the participles that have come his way lately as well as those pesky irregular verbs. 
Spelling: Nothing this week.
Reading:  Bunnicula Strikes Again just wasn't holding his interest so he asked to pick a new book.  He decided to read  The Fire Within which he picked up at Barnes and Noble on our last trip, so far he says it's pretty good.  He was also excited to see the newest Rick Riordan book, The Red Pyramid, arrive as an early birthday gift. 
Math: Teaching Textbooks lessons 61-62  were completed. He also completed the Saxon Middle grade placement test so I can see what level we'll be starting soon.
Language Arts: CLE's Learn to Read and Language Arts programs are going really well.  She's completed her LTR lightunit 5, started LTR lightunit 6 and completed  LA lightunit 1.  She's enjoying the stories in the Primers and her reading fluency is progressing, things aren't as choppy when she read anymore.  
Spelling: Nothing this week, other than what's in the CLE program.
Math: Saxon math2 lessons 62 and 63 were completed, and she took the Horizons Math placement test.  Saxon's working ok, but the amount of review is a bit light and it's moving a bit slow for her.  She saw Horizons at the homeschool book store when I was there and loved all the color and types of problems on the page, so I plan to try it and then keep Saxon as a back up just in case.
Preschool: Is just doing his thing and asking me to read copious amounts of books to him.

We're anxiously awaiting the rest of our Sonlight History and Science items to arrive and have plans to paint our school room soon.  We are also counting down the days until my mom arrives for her visit. 
Tune in next week for our Summer School Week 4 review.


Robin Johnson said...

Aren't those first days with a new bike rider fun?! DS has been riding for a month and no longer yells, "Mom, come watch me." every time he goes to ride. I kind of miss that.
Try to stay cool!

WildIris said...

I can't imagine doing summer school right now.We have six weeks left and my girls are counting the weeks. I haven't told them that I still plan on doing bit of school over the summer so their skills stay sharp.

My kids and I listened to Bunnicula in the car. It is a funny story.

I hope the A/C gets repaired soon.