Week 12 has been a good, but short week. We're working on some school but we've also been feeling really run down and a little burnt out. I think it has something to do with the big swing in temperature here. We were used to nice, not too hot-not to cold days and then we plunged down to pretty cold days with some nights below freezing. I know it's not as bad as other places, but for us wimps that are used to more gentle winters, it's been pretty rough.
Completed lessons 1-3 in Saxon math 7/6 and did pretty well with it. We switched back to Growing with Grammar 6, because he needs more work on each section than Junior Analytical Grammar is giving him. He completed lessons 1.6 and 1.7 which worked with sentence types. His new Soaring with Spelling and Vocabulary level 3 came in so we'll start that next week. I moved him back a level to go back and cover a few gaps he has. I'm working on a new penmanship plan for him now that he's finished what I originally bought for him.
completed lessons 76-77 in McRuffy Phonics and Reading 1. She asked me if she could start reading regular books and picked out The Magic Tree House #1: Dinosaurs At Dawn. She read chapters 1 and 2 and thoroughly impressed me with the fluency with which she read it. There were parts she struggled with, but over all it was an incredible accomplishment, which had me reevaluating her phonics and reading programs. At this point I have decided to let her use the Explode the code workbooks 3-8 at a pace that is challenging, but comfortable for her and we'll just keep reading beginning chapter books she picks out. She completed a couple lessons in McRuffy Math 2, but has been complaining it's too easy, and asked to try something else. I found the Christian Light Education placement test online and gave her that. She enjoyed the types or problems and found it to be a nice challenge, so we'll be using that once the books arrive.
Science and History for Everett and Annika
We have done no history this week, but had a fun Science/Art day on Friday. We worked on introducing Atomic Mass, and understanding why they call it The Periodic Table of Elements. We tried making some playdough from cream cheese, honey and powdered milk. It didn't turn out so I brought out the regular Play-doh and the kids had a great afternoon with that.
Has been doing well and completed a couple lessons in McRuffy Math K and a couple of lessons in McRuffy Phonics K. He's having some issues with blending, so we'll take a break from McRuffy and use some of the Explode the Code primers to go over letter sounds again.
Not a packed week, but not bad either. Next week will be similar due to some appointments, but we'll keep plugging along the best we can.