
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Week 28 in Review -- April 12-16

This was our last official week of this school year.  We will now be in Language Arts and Math only summer session.  I know for many it's not anywhere near summer but we started this year really early and despite some set back the kids rallied and completed more than I thought.  Because some of the curricula was started at the half way point of the year we'll continue those through our summer session.
Here's the run down.
Grammar: Growing with Grammar 5, Unit 3 on verbs was started.  He completed lessons 3.1-3.5.  So far so good although verbs can be tough for him. 
Spelling: All About Spelling 2 steps 12 and 13 were completed.  We also took the time to do a review test of all 100 words he'd learned in steps 1-11.  He was stoked that he only misspelled 4 of them.  Not bad, not bad at all if I do say so myself.
Writing: Writing is on hold for now, although we'll do some writing from our Growing with Grammar lessons. 
Reading: He began and finished reading Return to Howliday Inn was finished and Bunnicula Strikes Again was began.  He's really enjoyed this series but was sad to see there is only 1 book left after this one. 
Math: Teaching Textbooks Quiz 8 and lessons 48-51  were completed. He's still having some trouble with LCM and GCF, but it's getting better each lesson.
Language Arts:Explode the Code Book 2 was finished. Saxon Phonics 2 lessons 5-8 were completed and it's turned out not to be what was needed.  We've decided to go back to CLE Learn to Read which we had tried in the past and was going ok.  The new 2nd edition looks like it's remedied the few issues we had with it. 
Spelling: All About Spelling level 1 step 17 was completed. She also received her Beehive Readers Saturday and was really excited.  She even offered to read her brothers a story. 
Math: Saxon Math 2 is going well. She completed lessons 30-35 this week and did really well.  The doubles plus one facts have been a real thorn in her side but she's starting to overcome them.  I think most of it was fear that they were "too hard" but we're working on that.
Preschool: He's been having a great time with his new Kumon books especially the My First book of Cutting.  He's also progressed to writing something that looks like his first name on his papers, which is a major step forward for his fine motor skills. 

They have asked to continue with some history lessons yet, so we'll most likely cover westward expansion at a leisurely pace when we can through read alouds.

Tune in next week for our Summer week 1 review.


Carrie said...


Congrats on being done!!

We do some math and language arts in the summer, too!

Enjoy your summer!

MOM #1 said...

How great! And how delicious that the kiddos want to continue learning during the summer. Have a great break!