
Friday, April 9, 2010

Week 27 in Review -- April 5-9

It is also Science Week here at Fawkes Academy.  We've had gorgeous summer like weather all week so we spent it doing science experiments and working around the yard. 
Here's the run down.

Subjects we all do together.
History: We watched discs 4-6 of Liberty's Kids thus wrapping that up.  We also finished reading Ben and Me: An Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin By His Good Mouse Amos.  History is considered finished for the year as we've made it through the time of the American Revolution which was the goal.  
Science: We wrapped up our trip around the planets covering the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the dwarf planet Pluto.  We'll do a short week on Stars next week and then Science will be finished for the year.
Here's a great video of the most fun science experiment we did all week.  We made the storms of Jupiter in a pie plate.

Next week will be our last official week for the year then we'll start our Language Arts and math double lesson summer session.  I dare you to say that 3 times fast :)

Tune in next week for our week 28 review.


Helen said...

Love the storms of Jupiter! Very very fun. I need more activities like that. Thanks for sharing!

Daisy said...

That is so awesome!

My kids loved Ben and Me. I think my daughter read another one by that author called Mr. Revere and I or something like that. I'm jealous you are done with history. I have 9 wks left and I'm dragging.

Karen said...

Love those storms. Can you tell me more about "switching focus"? Do you have a plan throughout the year, or do you just switch when there would be natural breaks between topics? The phrase reminded me of the way Waldorf implements Main Lesson blocks through the year.

Tonia said...

Love the storms! I'm planning our earth and space study for next year and that looks like fun - could you share how you did it?

Kel said...

It's not really something I plan but for some reason we always seem to get ahead of ourselves in the areas of science and history which makes us finish up by the 3rd quarter of our year. I usually then just work on LA and Math but up the amount of lessons we do to 2 in each area and we split them into a morning and afternoon session.

I emailed you about making the storms. The project actually comes from the RSO curriculum I'm using for science.

Julie said...

What a fun science project! I love it!

MissMOE said...

Isn't great to meet that goal before the end of the week? Thanks for sharing your science week.