
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Week 12, one third of the year done!

We've done it, we've made it through the first third of this school year.  We've been wrapping things up to get to a good place to take a nice long winter break. 

Things are going well over all.  We'll have a few program tweaks coming up in the new year. The kids have done well for this first 12 weeks, finding their groove.  I've found my groove with teaching and planning our days.  

We've looked into a new activity for the older two kids to try starting in the new year... Archery!  Ev and Annika are super excited, Lucas opted not to try it right now.  

This post is really short, and very boring, I sure hope I become more verbose in the new year.  Here's some pictures from this last week. 

 photo kelsblogsiggy_zps5d792189.png

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