
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Weekly Review-- February 7-12, 2011

We were able to buckle down this week and got quite a bit accomplished.  We were also able to go on a field trip to the Aquarium.  It was an ok field trip, but a little hard to see all we wanted because of all the school groups that seemed to be lacking adult supervision.

finished writing his story The Owl That Cried Crow, completing his first story sequence assignment.   The Owl That Cried Crow
He also completed step 16 and half of Step 17 in All About Spelling level 2. Saxon math 7/6 lessons 12-14 were completed. We began Handwriting Without Tears cursive from the beginning to hammer out some issues we have with letter formation.  Pages 7-11 were completed and he's really enjoying it.  Grammar will be coming back next week, I sure hope he's ready for it.

completed pages 92-106 in her Explode the Code 3 workbook, which means Book 3 is finished.  I gave her the Funnix placement test and we'll begin Funnix 2 next week.  We will go back to ETC once she gets into All About Spelling level 2, and I can coordinate some of the lessons from ETC 4 and up with it.  She finished step 11 and half of step 12 in All About Spelling level 1. After reconsidering shelving Growing with Grammar level 1, I've decided that we'll bring it back and just take it nice and slow.  She can easily do the work, but because of her slow moving in reading some days are really tough, but it does give her extra reading practice which is a good thing. Saxon Math 3 lessons 24-26 and Test 4 were completed.

finished pages 32-41 in his Get Ready for the Code book.  I had him do Funnix Beginning Reading lesson 1 and he really enjoyed it, so we'll be starting that in earnest next week.  He completed lessons 10-11 in Saxon Math K. 

Science and History
This was a Science week and we've stuck with REAL Science Odyssey Chemistry.  This week we set up our element books, and worked on our first group.  We had some fun with sodium, by using table salt to make salt water and show how it improves buoyancy.  To do this we floated an egg in a glass. They also completed their element book group one page, highlighting the elements Hydrogen, Lithium and Sodium.  We took a field trip to the Aquarium, but I told you about that in the very beginning of the post. 

We will be going back to Story of the World, the kids miss it. Time Travelers is fun, but not their cup of tea. As you can see it was a full week, and we had lots of fun. I hope next week is just as full and fun.


Sarah said...

Looks like a great week. The story looks good.

MissMOE said...

I love the story. Lots of excellent word choice. Are you alternating between science and history weeks?

Kel said...

Yes we alternate history and science each week. We were getting bogged down when we tried to do them both each week and then something would always get pushed off and never done. This works so much better for us.

MOM #1 said...

What a cute story. Please thank him for letting you share it with us. LOVE the aquarium photos. I heart aquariums, they are always so much fun! Looks like y'all had a fast, furious, and full week!

Kristine said...

What a great idea to alternate science & history, I'd honestly never thought of that. More often than not we don't get around to much science since history is SO busy.

I agree with you about Time Travelers, we're using it right now & it the kids aren't exactly loving it. It is very, very labor intensive (but so beautiful and well-done)!