
Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 4 in Review -- Sept 7-11

This week went pretty well. We stuck to the basics of Geography, Language Arts and Math, again because it's a short week with the holiday being Monday.
Here's what we did this week.

Since Matt was home Monday because of the holiday we started the week with a trip to the Virginia Zoo in Norfolk to see the new 4 month old lion cubs. Unfortunately due to the weather we were unable to see them, but we did see 2 baby Bongos which were very cute. We'll get back to the zoo in the next week or two to check out those cubs.

Grammar: We decided to try First Language Lessons for Grammar. JAG was ok, but was getting a bit to fast paced for him. He did Lessons 1 and 3 in FLL and really enjoyed it. We'll see if it will be a good fit as we move along.
Spelling: We're waiting for our new spelling program to arrive we need a little more to a program than daily tests. We are adding in Alphabetter drills which we got with our Calculadder drill CDroms. He had a lot of fun with drill 1 and looks forward to doing more of them.
Writing: He completed WWE level 2 week 1. He is happy to be doing writing this way again, and it went really well.
Penmanship: I pulled out his new Handwriting without Tears workbook this week and he did the cursive warmups. He's very excited to have a new HWOT book.
Reading: Everett wrapped up his reading of The Lightning Theif while we were on our 2 week break and had to immediately start the next book in the series The Sea of Monsters. He read the first 14 chapters this week and just can't seem to put these books down.
Math: Teaching Textbook 5 lessons 80-81 were completed this week. We also added in Calculadder drills which are a huge hit. He completed drill 24 and has had 2 attempts at drill 25.
Geography: Daily Geography week 4 completed. The topic was the a mapgrid of Austrailia

Language Arts: McRuffy is going well yet and she completed lessons 82 and 84. She read the story Sam and Kit. We also started adding in The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. She completed lesson 40 and looks forward to more of them.
Penmanship: She got her new Handwriting Without Tears Cursive workbook and did the warm ups. She's very excited to start cursive writing.
Math: McRuffy math 1 lessons 27-30 were completed. This program is so nice to use and she's really retaining things well.
Geography: Daily Geography week 4 completed. The topic was reading a picture map of a school

Preschool: We played games, watched leapfrog videos and started Karate this week. He'll also continue with tumbling class.

Tune in next week for "The Week 5 Review"


Christie said...

I can't remember if I told you before but I LOVE how you have organized your homeschool room! Very nice!

MOM #1 said...

Doesn't seem like short weeks are always the LONGEST weeks, LOL. Y'all got a lot done for 4 day. Great week!