
Thursday, May 8, 2008

New School Name

Hello all,

We've had a family meeting and after much deliberation we have decided on a new homeschool name. Matt and I spent some time thinking of what our homeschool was about. We also wanted something that could last us through the high school years and something the kids would relate to. One of their favorite characters in movies and books is Fawkes the Phoenix, the beautiful bird of Albus Dumbledore in the book series Harry Potter. Matt and I also liked the idea that the Phoenix is a mythological bird who when at the end of it's lifespan makes a next of cinnamon twigs and then sets fire to them. The bird and nest burn and from the ashes a new phoenix is born. To me this is somewhat sybolic of the way we readjust our homeschool based on the children. We are constantly evaluating and rising from the ashes of the old into the new.

Remember to bookmark our page. We look forward to the wonderful comments we are sure to receive.


Friday, May 2, 2008

End of year review

Hi all,

This will be my last weekly review until fall. We have concluded our school year and the kids did great. We all learned alot. I received the kids test scores yesterday and Everett's Overall Composite Percentile was 99, he only missed 1 question on the whole test. Annika's reading score was 98th percentile and her math was 99th percentile, She missed a total of 6 questions on the whole test. Not bad for her first time testing.

We'll continue to do some things on a light schedule through out the summer.

Happy summer to all!