
Friday, January 21, 2011

Weekly Review-- January 17-21, 2011

We had a fun week here at Fawkes Academy.  We are still easing into our work, but had some great projects and a lot of good work was done.  I spent some time on Thursday rearranging furniture and organizing the school room.  Our Spelling corner is all set up now, so we'll be adding that back in next week.

worked on his outline for the Story Sequence. It was some pretty intense sessions, he has so many great ideas, so I needed to step in and help him pare it down. He's very excited about his changes and will start writing the rough draft next week..  He completed lessons 5 and 6 in Saxon Math7/6. I received my DVDs from Art Reed's website and they are excellent.  They really help me see what to cover in each lessons, and Ev is loving the new interaction during math.

Completed about 12 pages in her Explode the Code 3 workbook.   She completed lessons 3 and 4 in Growing with Grammar, and completed lessons 15 and 16 of Saxon Math 3.

worked on his Get Ready for the Code book a little and we worked on Lesson 3 in Saxon math K.  We spent the rest of the week playing games for math and working on our calendar. 

Science and History
It was a History week.  I'm using the Homeschool in the Woods Time Travelers, New World Explorers CDrom program.  We worked on Lesson 1 this week.  The kids colored and labeled a map of the continents, we started our lapbook and made a project for it on 5 reasons for exploration.  They loved it because it included taping in spices and dirt, as well as using glitter glue and sticky "gems".  After our maps and lapbook project was completed I made the Spice ornament dough recipe and the kids used our new cookie cutter set to cut out a bunch of shapes.  After they dry they can use more glitter glue, or other items to decorate them. 

This week I didn't plan any specific art projects.  I let the kids have fun with what ever art supplies they could find.  The boys drew some pictures, but mostly did active art by reenacting history.  Annika decided to make me some of her yarn pompom animals. Everett got a dragon and an owl, and  I got an owl.

Another good week down.  The kids are looking forward to wrapping it up with a bit of fun at the Parent Survival Night at their gym.


Monica said...

Those pompom animals are adorable!!!

Regena said...

I ADORE those pom critters! What did you use for the beaks and eyes, please? I can't tell what those are....

Your week looks like it was great fun!


MOM #1 said...

I LOVE that pom pom owl. It's so cute! Sounds like another great week.

G said...

I LOVE the pompom animals! How does she make those?

We're jumping into New World Explorers too! I am really excited about it. We've made 5 reasons for exploration lapbook piece, but we're really getting going next week.

Something else your kids might enjoy (I know my son is loving it) is Interactive 3D Maps: American History - you can get it through Scholastic or Amazon. I think it's part of the Scholastic $1 downloads right now. It fits in beautifully, and has some great projects.

Unknown said...

Those pompom owls are sooo cute! We never have good luck getting ours to poof very well. I need to re-read directions to see where we are going wrong!

Kel said...

Many have asked about the pompom animals. I got her a lot of the clover brand pompom makers. She says her secret to poofing them is to wrap them really, really full.

For the eyes she either uses really small beads or tiny pompoms we found at the craft store. The beaks are made from a piece of pipe cleaner she wraps in a spiral and then coaxes into a peak, kind of like a spiral cone.

Tara K said...

I'm going to agree with everyone else and say those pom pom owls and dragon are adorable! She did a really great job on them!