
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Weeks in Review April 7-18

I know I haven't put up a review in a couple of weeks but we were off last week and I've been ill with a bad stomach virus this week. Matt has really pitched in and has been coming home early to help with the kids and to make sure Ev and Anna get to swimming lessons. They now have 4 lessons under their belts and they are doing wonderful. They have started swimming laps, very, very slowly but they are swimming laps. They enjoy it alot and their teacher is great.

We also got a few new pets. We bought a 10 gallon aquarium and are now the proud owners of 2 zebra danios, 4 guppies (2 blue and 2 yellow) and 3 snails (one black, one blue and one yellow. The kids are just fascinated with them and really enjoy watching them. It is nice to have a few simples pets around.


Ruskin said...

I love aquariums! They are so fascinating. My brother-in-law loves aquariums so much he had his floor reinforced to hold his. I hope you are all feeling much better.

Amy said...

Sorry you've had a bug. So miserable. Feel better and enjoy your aquarium!

Paige said...

We love our aquarium, too! Hope you feel better soon.

Laura said...

I noticed that your 3rd grader is using Teaching Textbooks Math 5. My son is entering 3rd and met the placement requirements for Math 5. How do you feel about this math curriculum? Has the challenge been about right for your son?

Any info is certainly welcome...

Thanks! Laura

Trishy4Him said...

Great blog Kel! Your kids are learning so much and look so happy! I love your blog layout. Good luck with the aquarium. I love them, but they do not love me.